Journal Papers
- Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., Goodhew, S., & Boomsma, C. (2017). Mental models of heat: Exploring how people think about heat flows in the home. Energy Research and Social Science, in press.
- Fox, M., Goodhew, S & De Wilde, P. (2016). Building defect detection: External versus internal thermography. Building and Environment, 105, 317-331.
Boomsma, C., Goodhew, J., Goodhew, S., & Pahl, S. (2016). Improving the visibility of energy use in home heating in England: Thermal images and the role of visual tailoring. Energy Research and Social Science, 14, 111-121.
Boomsma, C., Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., & Jones, R.V. (2016). The feasibility of saving energy in challenging organisational contexts: Testing energy visualisation in a social services office in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science, 15, 58-74.
Pahl, S., Goodhew, J., & Boomsma, C. (2016). The role of energy visualisation in addressing occupant energy use: Insights from the eViz project. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:
- Jones, R. V., Fuertes, A. & Lomas, K. J. (2015). The socio-economic, dwelling and appliance related factors affecting electricity consumption in domestic buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 43, 901-917.
- Jian, Y., Li, Y., Wei, S., Zhang, Y., & Bai, Z. (2015). A case study on household electricity uses and their variations due to occupant behavior in Chinese apartments in Beijing. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering,14(3), 679-686
- Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., Auburn, T. & Goodhew, S. (2014). Making heat visible: Promoting energy conservation behaviours through thermal imaging. Environment and Behaviour, 9, 1-30.
- Pahl, S., Sheppard, S., Boomsma, C., Groves, C. (2014). Perceptions of time in relation to climate change. WIREs Climate Change, doi: 10.1002/wcc.272.
- Wei, S., Jones, R. & De Wilde, P. (2014). Driving factors for occupant-controlled space heating in residential buildings. Energy and Buildings, 70, 36-44.
- Hamza, N., & de Wilde, P. (2013). Building simulation visualisation for the boardroom: an exploratory study. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, doi:
- eViz (2015). Energy Visualisations: Tools developed and tested as part of the eViz Project. Document produced for the dissemination event: Energy visualisation – Lessons learned from the eViz Project.
- Stone, B. (2014). Low-Cost Thermal and Panoramic Imaging Systems for Drone-Based Architectural Surveys. Report for Teddinet Newsletter.
- Burrows, R., Johnson, H. & Johnson, P. (2013). Influencing Values, Attitudes and Behaviour via Interactive and Social-Media Technology : The Case of Energy Usage. Department of Computer Science, University of Bath.
- May, J., & Gnanasekaran, K. (2013).The functionality, interface and uptake of an energy saving application for mobile devices. School of Psychology, Plymouth University.
Conference Papers
- Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., Boomsma, C., & Goodhew, S. (2015). ‘It’s fffffffrrreezsing!…thought thermal imaging might shed some light as to where the heat’s going!’ Can visualisation shed a light on heating? Proceedings from the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2015, France.
- Boomsma, C., Pahl, S., Goodhew, J., & Gardner, A. (2015). Daily behaviour and energy saving strategies. Proceedings from the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2015, France.
- Wei, S., Goodhew, J., Rafiq, Y., Pahl, S., & De Wilde, P. (2015). Energy efficiency educator – early stages of an interactive tool to help reduce heating energy demand in residential buildings.Proceedings from the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2015, France.
- Goodhew, J., Boomsma, C., Pahl, S. (2014). A longitudinal mixed method study of the role of tailoring in the design of visual interventions for domestic energy efficiency. Proceedings from BEHAVE’14, Oxford, UK.
- Stone, B., Guest, R., Pahl, S., & Boomsma, C. (2014). Exploiting gaming technologies to visualise dynamic thermal qualities of a domestic dwelling: Technical and human factor challenges. Proceedings from BEHAVE’14, Oxford, UK.
- Burrows, R., Johnson, P., & Johnson, H. (2014). Influencing Behaviour by Modelling User Values: Energy Consumption. Proceedings from the PERSUASIVE’14 Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems. Padova, Italy.
- Rafiq, Y., Wei, S. & de Wilde, P. (2014). Applying artificial neural networks to promote behaviour change for saving residential energy. Proceedings from the International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing. Vienna, Austria.
- Wei, S., de Wilde, P. & Rafiq, Y. (2014). Using Artificial Neural Networks to assess reduction in residential energy demand by changing occupant behaviour. Proceedings from EG-ICE Conference 2014. Cardiff, UK.
- Wei, S., Jones, R. & de Wilde, P. (2014) Extending the UK’s green deal with the consideration of occupant behaviour, Proceedings from Conference of Building Simulation and Optimization CL, 23-24 June, London, UK.
- Wei, S., Jones, R. & de Wilde, P. (2014) Using building performance simulation to save residential space heating energy: A pilot test, Proceedings from Windsor Conference ‘Counting the Cost of Comfort in a Changing World’ , Cumberland Lodge, 10-13 April, Windsor, UK.
- De Wilde, P. & Jones, R. (2014). The building energy performance gap: Up close and personal. Proceedings from the CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium: Moving to a new world of building systems performance, April 3-4, Dublin, Ireland.
- De Wilde, P., Pahl, S., Hamza, N., Wei, S., Jones, R. & Abohela, I. (2013). Using building simulation to drive changes in occupant behaviour: A pilot study. Proceedings from Building Simulation 2013 Conference. Chambery, France.
- Wei, S., Jones, R., Goodhew, S. & De Wilde, P. (2013). Occupant space heating behaviour in a simulation-intervention loop. Proceedings from Building Simulation 2013 Conference. Chambery, France.
- Abohela, I., Hamza, N. & Dudek, S. (2013). Building heights and urban configuration effects on wind flow above a barrel vaulted roof. Proceedings from Building Simulation 2013 Conference. Chambery, France.
- Abohela, I., Hamza, N. & Dudek, S. (2013). Urban wind turbines: Potentials and constraints. Proceedings from CISBAT 2013 Conference: Clean Technology for Smart Cities and Buildings, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Abohela, I., Hamza, N., & Dudek, S. (2013). Variables affecting the performance of urban wind turbines. Proceedings from Building Simulation Cairo 2013 Conference – Towards Sustainable & Green Built Environment, Cairo, Egypt.
- Pahl, S., de Wilde, P., Goodhew, J., Boomsma, C., Jones, R., & Goodhew, S. (2013). eViz – Energy visualisation for carbon reduction in buildings. Proceedings from the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2013, France.
- Hamza, N., & de Wilde, P. (2013). Building performance simulation visualization as investment decision making enablers for sustainable buildings. CISBAT 2013 Conference: Clean Technology for Smart Cities and Buildings, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Conference Presentations (without proceedings)
- Boomsma, C. (2017). Engaging individuals with energy efficiency: The role of energy visualisation. Symposium “Social Innovation and Energy Transition”. Delft Energy Initiative, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
- Pahl, S., Goodhew, J., Boomsma, C., & Goodhew, S. (2015). The power of thermal imaging to change energy understanding and action. 11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. Groningen, The Netherlands
- Boomsma, C., Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., & Jones, R. (2015). Encouraging energy saving in the workplace: Reflections from a field study. 11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. Groningen, The Netherlands
- Goodhew, J., Boomsma, C., Pahl, S., & Goodhew, S. (2015). Exploring mental models of home heating. 11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. Groningen, The Netherlands
- Burrows, R., Johnson, H., & Johnson, P. (2014). Online Social Media Systems to Influence Pro-environmental Behaviour: Modelling the Drivers of our Energy-use. BEHAVE’14, Oxford, UK.
- Wei, S. (2014). Comparing alternative occupant classification approaches when modelling occupant window opening behaviour. ANNEX 66 first expert meeting. Hong Kong, China.
- Boomsma, C., Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., & Goodhew, S. (2014). The role of tailoring in the design of visual interventions for energy efficiency. ICAP 2014, Paris, France.
- Boomsma, C., Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., & Goodhew, S. (2014). Engaging individuals with energy efficiency: A field study on thermal imaging and the role of tailoring. IAPS 23, Timisoara, Romania.
- Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., Auburn, T., & Goodhew, S. (2013). Making Heat Visible: Promoting Energy Conservation Behaviours Through Thermal Imaging. 10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Boomsma, C. Goodhew, J., Pahl, S., Guest, R., & Stone, B. (2013). eViz: Visualisation for Carbon Reduction in Buildings. 10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Burrows, R., Johnson, H., & Johnson, P. (2014). Developing an Online Social Media System to Influence Pro-environmental Behaviour based on User Values. PERSUASIVE’14 Extended Abstracts. Padova, Italy.
- Boomsma, C., Goodhew, J., Pahl, S. (2013). Using a Diary Method to Examine Peak Energy Use in the Home: Preliminary results of two pilot studies. 10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Magdeburg, Germany.
‘Behaviour: Seeing heat saves energy’ – Nature Energy, 11 January 2016
‘Plymouth University £1.1m for energy project’ – this is Devon, 10th May 2012
Invited Talks
- Boomsma, C. (2017). Seeing is believing? Using visualisations to motivate pro-environmental behaviour change. 4th STEP Summer School, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- Boomsma, C. (2017). How to deal with invisibility of energy in the home: Studying the use and perceptions of energy visualisation technologies. Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft, the Netherlands.
- Boomsma, C. (2015). The eViz Project: Energy Visualisation for Carbon Reduction. Devon and Cornwall Energy and Environmental Management Group event.
- Pahl, S. (2015). Visualising energy for behaviour change: Insights from the eViz project. Cardiff University: Psychology International Speaker Series.
- De Wilde, P. (2014). Building Energy Performance: The Human Factor. University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering.
- Boomsma, C. (2014). eViz: Energy visualisation for carbon reduction. Horizon Human Behaviour Seminar, Horizon Digital Economy Research Group, University of Notttingham.
- Wei, S. (2014). A comparison of alternative occupant classification approaches for the modelling of occupant window opening behaviour in office buildings. ANNEX 66 second national meeting. Shang Hai, China.
- Wei, S. (2014). Research on occupant behaviour in Europe. First ANNEX 66 national meeting, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
- Goodhew, J. (2013). “We’re on fire!” Can energy saving actions be promoted through the technology of thermal imaging, UCL Energy Institute.
- Goodhew, J. (2013). Promoting energy efficiency in homes by making heat visible through thermal imaging, Devon & Cornwall Energy and Environmental Management Group.
- De Wilde, P. (2013). Energy Monitoring – More than just kWh. Energy Event, NEC, Birmingham.
- Abohela, I. (2013). Ongoing research: Overview of the eViz project. Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE) Retreat 2013: Measuring Design: Models + Metrics, Pomona, California.
- De Wilde, P. (2013). eViz: Building Simulation as a Driver for Changes in Occupant Behaviour. World Summit on Building simulation Research, Philadelphia, USA
Further Funding
EnerGAware: Energy Game for Awareness of energy efficiency in social housing communities (EC Horizon 2020 call: EE-11 New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency). February 2015 – February 2018. Value: €2M
- Making solar gain visible. ISSR Small Collaborative Awards for Sabine Pahl and Julie Goodhew in partnership with Plymouth Energy Community. Value £4417
- BuildTEDDI funding: Shen Wei has received funding to attend the first expert meeting of IEA ANNEX 66: Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behaviour in Buildings, 12-14 March, 2014, in Hong Kong. Value: £700
- DECC funding: Rory Jones, Pieter de Wilde and Alba Fuertes (Environmental Building Group, Plymouth University) with NatCen, BSRIA and Energy Saving Trust. Expert advice on the design of a hypothetical randomised control trial on smarter heating controls. Reference No: 546/12/2012. Value: £11,940.
- DECC funding: Goodhew, S., Pahl, S. & De Wilde, P. (2013). Thermal imaging intervention as part of Cornwall together. In collaboration with the Eden Project, Value: £65,000